Estonia’s Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Jarelevalve Amet, TTJA) has announced that it will relaunch its auction of licences in the 3.5GHz band which are suitable for 5G technology. Last week the Ministry of Enterprise and Information Technology finally confirmed the terms of the planned sale, following a series of delays caused by legal challenges and alterations to legislation. The public tender for three concessions in the 3410MHz-3800MHz range was initially announced on 19 February 2019 and then postponed later that year.

Under the new terms, the starting price for each licence will be EUR1.597 million (USD1.79 million), with potential bidders given until 4 April to submit an application to participate in the auction. The TTJA expects to begin the bidding process towards the end of April and for it to be completed by June. Estonia is currently home to three mobile network operators (MNOS), Telia, Elisa and Tele2.

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