The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reconvened a working group which will lead its research into technologies including AI and 6G, work the US regulator billed as important to boosting the nation’s global competitiveness.

A virtual meeting of the Technological Advisory Council (TAC) is scheduled for 28 February. The FCC explained the group provides it with technical expertise and guidance, and would consider advanced spectrum sharing and emerging wireless technologies along with methods to restore internet access in the event of disruption.

FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel appointed former Qualcomm executive Dean Brenner as the head of the TAC, with representatives from US operators, Microsoft and NTT among the other notable names on a list of 44.

In a related statement, Rosenworcel explained “careful planning and execution” was required to maintain US “leadership in high-priority emerging technology”.

She emphasised the importance of the nation being at the forefront of “advancing ambitious 6G” R&D, and noted “the need for more spectrum” and supply chain frailties as areas requiring the FCC’s attention.

“We are starting that work here and now by re-establishing the TAC and charging it to conceptualise 6G”.

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