The Indian government has confirmed the start of a major mobile spectrum auction on 25 June. Over 10,000 MHz will be up for sale, with a minimum price of INR 962.4 billion (USD 11.5 billion).

The most expensive bands are the 800 and 1,800 MHz ranges, followed by 900 MHz and 3.3 GHz. Lots will also be offered for the 2,100, 2,300 and 2,500 MHz bands, along with 8,700 MHz of the 26 GHz range. All frequencies will be covered by 20-year licences.

The three largest existing operators are the participants in the bidding – Reliance Jio, Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel. They will be able to pay for the spectrum in 20 annual instalments, with no spectrum usage charges due on these licences. Each remains subject to certain spectrum caps depending on the band and region.

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