Austria’s Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting & Telecoms (RTR) has published the terms and conditions for its planned auction of nationwide frequency usage rights in the 26GHz band and regional usage rights in the previously unassigned 3410MHz-3470MHz range, which went unsold for seven regions in 2019. Operators interested in participating in the spectrum allocation procedure have until 12 February 2024 to submit an application, with the auction expected to begin in March.

Under the terms and conditions, the 26GHz spectrum will be divided up into seven 1×200MHz blocks, ranging from 25.5GHz-25.9GHz and 26.5GHz-27.5GHz with a minimum bid price of EUR1.9 million (USD2.0 million) per block, while the 3.6GHz spectrum is to be divided into seven regional blocks, including two lots of 1×10MHz, one block of 1×40MHz and four of 1×60MHz (with the minimum bid price ranging from EUR50,000 to EUR1.36 million, depending on the block). The usage rights to the frequency blocks in the 25.5GHz-25.9GHz will be valid from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2046, while the 26.5GHz-27.5GHz spectrum is valid from the assignment date to 31 December 2046 and the 3600MHz spectrum will be valid from assignment until 31 December 2039. Depending on the amount of spectrum acquired, licence holders will be required to fulfil certain network coverage requirements, for example operators with 200MHz of 26GHz frequencies must supply service to at least ten locations by the start of 2027, 30 by 2030 and at least 100 areas by the start of 2034, while licensees with 400MHz or more are required to cover 20, 60 and 200 locations by those dates.

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