Cenerva Appoints Julian Wilkins as Ambassador for the Caribbean

Telecommunications expert Julian Wilkins joins Cenerva to build relationships in the Caribbean  Cenerva, a global specialist in training-driven ICT regulatory policy consultancy, has announced the appointment of Julian Wilkins as its Ambassador for the Caribbean. In his new role, Mr Wilkins will be responsible for building relationships with governments, regulators and regional operators to [...]

By |2023-03-01T06:52:46+00:00March 1st, 2023|News, Telecoms Regulation|0 Comments

Turks and Caicos Islands Regulator Successfully Finalises Emergency Preparedness Agreement

The Turks and Caicos Islands Telecommunications Commission (TCTC) has concluded an Emergency Preparedness Agreement between the Islands' network operators, Digicel and Flow, with support from Cenerva The Turks and Caicos Islands Telecommunications Commission (TCTC) has successfully completed its Emergency Preparedness Agreement (EPA) between the Islands' network operators, Digicel and Flow. The EPA marks the [...]

By |2022-12-07T08:13:50+00:00December 7th, 2022|News, Telecoms Regulation|0 Comments


Press Release The Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy aims to ensure the Islands have resilient networks that enable the availability and operability of telecoms services in disaster scenarios. The 2017 hurricane season is unlikely to be forgotten for those living in the Caribbean, featuring 17 named storms, ten hurricanes, and six major hurricanes. [...]

|2022-03-31T10:46:43+01:00三月 30th, 2022|新聞電信法規|0 條評論


可悲的是,媒體憤怒地公開批評孟加拉國手機號碼可攜性和BTRC。 所報告的問題表明,運營商最初實施的執行方案執行得很差。 孟加拉國手機號碼可攜性服務和BTRC的公信力因媒體推動的不同利益相關者之間的公眾內訌而受到損害,這真是太可惜了。

|2021-11-08T20:53:02+00:00三月11th,2021|新聞號碼可攜性|0 條評論