我們的課程專注於 監管合規中的關鍵問題 ,併為您提供成功所需的實踐知識,讓代表全面了解他們的主題。
Advanced Regulatory TRMC
As new technologies and new forms of competition transform the industry, the ‘toolkit’ of economic regulation also must adapt. This advanced programme delves deep into regulatory economics, law and technology. It is designed as a follow on to the Regulatory TRMC or for those with years of experience in the industry.
Numbering TRMC
The Numbering TRMC provides an unparalleled dive into Number Portability, specifically for regulatory and industry professionals.
Led by world experts on numbering, this course is essential for those looking to enhance their strategic and operational frameworks within the telecommunications sector.
Practice of Telecom Regulation and Governance at Strathclyde
With an academic focus, this class equips students with insights into telecom regulatory practices, focusing on decision-making efficiency and accountability. It offers analytical tools for examining the dynamics between regulators and institutions shaping modern telecom governance globally, including in developing countries. Going beyond basic overviews, this course provides a structured framework for understanding regulatory practices through organisational design and policy analysis.
Communication and Radio Access Networks at Strathclyde
This module will introduce wireless networks from a technical perspective, including the background of wireless standards, and the evolution to 5G.
You will learn the theory underpinning radio transmission and reception, and appreciate the need for standards and protocols for accessing the RF spectrum, which forms the channel in wireless communications systems.
- 提升您在電信領域的專業知識
- 更好地了解監管框架及其在全球範圍內的應用方式
- 向具有與監管機構合作的豐富經驗的人學習
- 通過深入瞭解電信監管世界的關鍵方面,獲得競爭優勢