

該課程為代表提供了對 數據隱私,保護和安全的原則和模型的深入瞭解。

它涵蓋了法規,法律和技術。由經驗豐富的數據從業者授課,此 TRMC 非常適合任何參與數據安全和隱私法規和技術的人員。

數據安全、網路安全和隱私法規 TRMC 涵蓋以下主要領域:

  • 數據保護、數據法規和隱私
  • 通用數據保護條例
  • 網路安全、網路威脅和網路/無線安全
  • 網路安全問題
  • 為什麼選擇安全和隱私技術
  • 國家安全問題
  • 國家網路安全戰略
  • 第三國數據保護



  • 為監管機構或負責通信和媒體政策的政府部門工作的高級人員
  • 在該領域工作的業務或法規事務經理
  • 在政府或商業領域工作的律師和顧問
  • 支持行業發展的資助機構代表



May/June 2025


Dates: May/June 2025 – starting on
27th May and finishing on 19th June.
Tuesday & Thursday 10 am – 2 pm UK time via Zoom


September 2025


Dates: 22 to 26 September 2025
Bath, UK

£3,100 per delegate, including lunches and gala dinner (excluding taxes and accommodation)

Additional residential package available, which includes five nights accommodation (Sunday to Thursday), breakfast and dinner for £750 at Hilton DoubleTree

Convert Your Training into a Formal Qualification

Cenerva’s TRMC programmes now count towards academic certifications with the prestigious University of Strathclyde


隱私法規 TRMC 課程大綱

第1天 - 住宅|第 1 天 – 虛擬
– 為什麼數據保護,數據法規和隱私:由於互聯網價值鏈,電信,媒體和技術(TMT)行業處於快速轉型期
– 數據管理:為什麼它很重要 > 數據保護 & 隱私 & 全球法律
第1天 - 住宅|第2天 – 虛擬
– 通用數據保護條例 (GDPR) & 跨境適用性 & 國際比較
– 案例研究
第2天 - 住宅|第3天 – 虛擬
– Meta的(FB)隱私方法,數據隱私,數據主權/當地語系化和隱私的國際最佳實踐
– 通用數據保護條例案例研究
第2天 - 住宅|第4天 – 虛擬
- 網路犯罪的興起和上升與國家安全問題
第3天 - 住宅|第5天 – 虛擬
– 網路安全簡介,網路威脅網路/無線安全:中斷,扭曲和惡化
– 制定國家網路安全政策
– 垃圾郵件 (和簡訊垃圾郵件)
第4天 – 住宅|第6天 – 虛擬
– 網路安全問題(NIS指令),非個人數據法規和監管機構
– 案例研究
第4天 – 住宅|第7天 – 虛擬
– 人工智慧
– 區塊鏈
第5天 - 住宅|第8天 – 虛擬
– 分組討論室
– 閉幕會議 – 後續步驟 & 數據保護機構


H·薩瑪·納瓦納教授,又名H,是塞內爾瓦的創始合夥人。H是Ofcom的頻譜集團負責人,在那裡他領導了2013年英國4G移動牌照的拍賣,籌集了23.4億英鎊。在此之前,他是 Arqiva Ltd 的董事總經理,甚至曾擔任 Quadriga Ltd 的董事總經理,此前他曾擔任英國電信公司屢獲殊榮的高級經理。他擁有併購經驗,曾與風險投資、私募股權和政府股東合作。他最近的工作重點是非洲和東盟的數字化轉型,在那裡他領導了數字行業審查。他還是動態頻譜聯盟的首席執行官。
高級項目經理 |在全球網路專業知識論壇(GFCE)上領導GFCE-AUC協調,馬丁領導GFCE與非洲聯盟委員會(AUC)之間的協調與合作,以發展非洲的網路能力和能力建設。此前,馬丁是英聯邦電信組織(CTO)的研究和諮詢主管。馬丁在ICT創新,研究和開發方面擁有超過15年的經驗。
比泰克國際公司總裁兼首席執行官 比泰克國際公司創始人格雷厄姆在電信服務和產品領域的幾乎所有方面擁有超過33年的國際經驗,包括@IPBell(後來的Cascadent Communications)的聯合創始人和執行副總裁,該網路是世界上首批由思科和惠普支援的商業(b2b)全球VoIP網路之一。 各種全球機構,如VoIP欺詐和合法攔截預防&規劃等主題。比泰克國際是國際電聯(國際電信聯盟)全球網路安全議程高級別專家組的成員。
Sara is a teaching associate at the Microsoft-funded Cloud Legal Project, at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). She has 20 years’ experience working in law. For a number of years, she assisted and advised companies from different sectors in her home country Portugal in several fields of corporate law. Subsequently, after finishing her Masters, she lectured E-Commerce Law at QMUL while reading her PhD.
Sara’s PhD research focused on autonomy in cyberspace. In particular, she proposes a framework to analyse the complex dynamics between anonymity, the legitimate search of information online (what she called “my search and research”) and the fundamental rights of privacy, data protection, freedom of expression and information.
約翰·大衛·蜜雪兒(John David Michels)(被稱為“戴夫”)是倫敦瑪麗女王大學(QMUL)微軟資助的雲法律專案的研究員和博士候選人,也是倫敦經濟學院(LSE)的客座教師。他在法律和政策方面擁有超過10年的經驗,包括在英國通信監管機構Ofcom和聯合國海牙工作。他曾在QMUL和LSE講授智慧財產權,電子商務,資訊安全和法律。他發表了一系列關於智慧財產權/IT問題的文章,包括最近在《歐洲法律評論》(與伊恩·瓦爾登合著者)上發表的關於網路安全法的文章。他的博士學位著眼於第一審判分庭法官在國際法和人權問題上對數字資產的法律保護,包括對拉特科·姆拉迪奇的審判。





Secure Your Place

Please book me onto the following course(s): *
For Cenerva residential programmes, please select your accommodation requirements::

Company Details:

Finance Contact:


Terms and Conditions

Prices stated are per delegate and exclude taxes. All course fees must be paid by the due date stated on the invoice. All course fees must be paid by the due date stated on the invoice.

All bookings are provisional and will only be confirmed once payment has been received. Cenerva reserves the right to reallocate places if full payment has not been received. Delegates are responsible for the payment of additional accommodation and all other expenses incurred within the hotel. These costs should be settled by the delegate directly with the hotel.

Cancellations: Cancellations received in writing up to 30 days before the start of the Master Class will be refunded in full less an administrative charge of 10% (+ VAT where relevant). We are unable to refund cancellations received 30 days or fewer prior to the start of a Master Class. However, in such cases and at Cenerva’s discretion, a place may be offered at a later Master Class. Delegate substitutions may be made at any time, though confirmation of any changes must be received by email, fax or post prior to the start of a course.

Non-attendance: In the event of non-attendance, full course fees will remain payable and no refunds will be made.

Changes to Programme: Cenerva reserves the right to make changes to or cancel its published course due in part or in full to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient numbers. Cenerva will make all reasonable efforts to notify delegates of any necessary changes in good time and if necessary to reschedule the Master Class. Delegates will be entitled to a refund of the course fee if the course is cancelled or is changed to a date or location which is not acceptable to the delegate. Cenerva will have no liability to delegates for damages of any nature arising from the cancellation of a course or from a change in its date or its speakers.

Data Protection: The personal information provided by you or your organisation as part of your attendance will be held on a database and used to facilitate your attendance at the course. This information may subsequently be used by Cenerva to advise you, or others suggested by you, of relevant courses or services provided by the company.

Please be assured that Cenerva does not share any such information with external companies.

Convert Your Training into a Formal Qualification

Cenerva’s TRMC programmes now count towards academic certifications with the prestigious University of Strathclyde
