Romania’s National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has requested opinions on the potential use of the 26GHz band for the provision of broadband electronic communications services in the country. In a statement, it said it is seeking to ascertain whether there is definite interest in providing such services using 26GHz spectrum in either the short-term (2023-25) or medium-term (2026-28). Stakeholders are invited to submit their comments by 16 September.
ANCOM also pointed out that the 26GHz range (24.25GHz-27.5GHz) is made up of three other independent frequency bands, which are very different in terms of their historical use and regulation. These are the 24.25GHz-24.5GHz, 24.5GHz-26.5GHz and 26.5GHz-27.5GHz bands, with the first being licensed to Orange Romania, Vodafone Romania and SN Radiocomunicatii for the operation of radio relay links.
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