Grameenphone (GP) has commenced a trial of 5G technology in eight divisional cities of the country, following similar trials in Dhaka and Chattogram in July 2022, writes. GP recorded maximum speeds of 600Mbps in Sylhet and Khulna, while the download speed reached 1Gbps in Dhaka. The trial was conducted in partnership with Huawei and ZTE. Starting from 29 September, 5G will gradually be made available in different locations, including Gulshan GPC, BTRC Serving IEB(Dhaka), Buet building, Mirabazar (Sylhet), Kolatoli (Cox’s Bazar), Khulna, Mymensingh Grameenphone regional office, Rajshahi Alupatti Mor, Rangpur New Market (City Corp, Payra Chattar), Chittagong Pahartoly and Comilla Grameenphone regional office.

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