Nokia and Oppo sealed a multi-year cross-licensing agreement, resolving pending patent litigation cases in all jurisdictions.

In a statement, Nokia explained Oppo will make royalty and catch-up payments to cover periods of non-payment during dispute periods, noting the pair agreed to keep the terms of the agreement confidential.

The deal covers Nokia’s fundamental patents in mobile technologies, with the company set to begin recognising net sales from the agreement, including catch-up payments, in the current quarter.

Nokia Technologies president Jenni Lukander said the agreement with Oppo and others closed in the past 12 months would provide long-term financial stability to its licensing business.

Oppo chief IP officer Feng Ying added the agreement includes cross-licensing for 5G standard-essential patents, laying the foundation for future collaboration. “Oppo continues to advocate for reasonable royalty fees and a long-term approach to intellectual property that supports the resolution of disputes through amicable negotiations and mutual respect for the value of all intellectual property.”

Nokia filed lawsuits against Oppo in a number of European countries in 2021.

In December 2023, Oppo urged Nokia to end the long-running dispute after a ruling by a Chinese court on 5G royalty rates.

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