Hong Kong’s Communications Authority (CA) has opened a consultation on the potential award of 400MHz of spectrum in the 6GHz band (6570MHz-6770MHz and 6925MHz-7125MHz) for the provision of public mobile services, with a particular focus on 5G. The Authority is also proposing changes to the territory’s Table of Frequency Allocations to include the 6GHz band for mobile services. Parts of the band are currently used for fixed service and fixed satellite service (earth-to-space).

‘Being the mid-band frequency blocks with the largest amount of spectrum available for mobile services, the 6GHz band would enable the deployment of fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks and services with speeds and capacity vital to the future sustainable development of digital economy and mobile broadband connectivity in Hong Kong,’ a spokesman for the CA said.

As there are likely to be competing demands for the spectrum, the CA proposes to assign it by way of auction, with spectrum utilisation fees (SUFs) to be agreed nearer the time.

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