The proposals submitted by Entel and Claro for five 10 MHz blocks in the 3.5 GHz band resulted in a technical tie, paving the way for a final auction of the 5G-compatible frequencies next month, announced Chilean telecommunications watchdog Subtel. The operators must bid for each available block, which will be awarded to the highest offer at an auction scheduled for 17 June.

The regulator disclosed no details about the initial bids, other than that Claro and Entel paid around CLP 833 million in guarantees. Operators Movistar, Entel, ClaroVTR and Wom were all authorised to participate in the public tender for the 30-year concessions, with Movistar and Wom choosing not to take part.

The country’s second 5G tender following the one held in 2021 is part of the government’s Zero Digital Gap Plan and involves connecting at least 121 localities plus  over 1,500 kilometers of highways.

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