A total of 753 municipalities in Brazil were covered by standalone 5G in June, reaching 46 percent of the Brazilian population. This was announced by Anatel president Carlos Baigorri at a Senate hearing.
The total number of Brazilian municipalities covered by 5G in the 3.5 GHz band reached 180 in July, up from 159 in June and only eight in July 2022, according to data published separately by Teleco. Claro provided coverage in 128 municipalities (+22 from June), followed by Vivo with 117 (+5), TIM Brasil with 102 (+34) and Algar Telecom with 3 (no change). Population coverage for 5G in the 3.5 GHz band amounted to 45.7 percent, with Vivo covering 40.2 percent, Claro 39.7 percent, TIM Brasil 36.8 percent and Algar 0.7 percent.
At the end of July, there were 14,796 5G mobile base stations, up by 917 from June, with TIM Brasil having 5,963, Claro 4,477 and Vivo 3,513. The total number of mobile base stations in Brazil (all technologies) reached 91,682, an increase of 1,165 compared to June. Vivo accounted for 33,581 (-24), followed by TIM Brasil with 32,479 (+1,141), Claro with 24,620 (+35), Algar with 734 (+1), Brisanet with 220 (+12), Sercomtel with 47 (no change) and Winity with one (no change).
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