Apple reportedly indefinitely halted plans to launch AR glasses, instead redoubling efforts to release mixed-reality (MR) headsets.

Bloomberg reported Apple’s AR glasses play is part of a wider wearables push, with a product due to be brought to market around two years after the launch of its first MR headset, which it still plans to unveil later this year.

However, sources claim Apple has been derailed by challenges in its attempts to develop lightweight wearables designed to be worn all day.

The AR glasses it had in mind would be able to perform the main functions of an iPhone, however it has reportedly been unable to find the right chips, batteries and software to create a product fit for purpose.

Major rival Google has also run into issues with the AR glasses concept, and most recently positioned its Google Glass device as an enterprise play. 

Bloomberg reported Apple will instead focus efforts on launching a lower-cost MR headset in 2024 or 2025, following up from its debut in the segment later this year.

Its debut MR headset could cost around $3,000, with the high-end device carrying components found in its Mac computers.

Bloomberg reported a lower-price wearable would employ an iPhone-grade processor and be comparable to the Meta Quest Pro VR headset, which is priced around $1,500.

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