Romanian telecoms group Digi Communications seeks to launch a commercial 5G service in Portugal in the second half of 2022, ECO reports, citing a source familiar with the company’s plans. Via holding company Dixarobil Telecom, the company successfully bid on multiple blocks of spectrum in last year’s 5G frequency sale. When the company progresses to a commercial launch, however, it will operate under the group’s favoured DIGI brand.

As previously reported by CommsUpdate, Dixarobil offered EUR67.3 million for spectrum in the 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz bands. As per National Communications Authority (Autoridade Nacional de Comunicacoes, ANACOM) documentation, the watchdog registered Dixarobil Telecom as an electronic communications services provider on 23 June 2021 – mid way through the long-running 5G auction.

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