Deutsche Telekom reported that it has verified and deployed Ericsson’s 5G core network functions on the Google Distributed Cloud Edge at DT’s Austrian labs.

DT said that this lab test shows that Ericsson 5G core cloud-native network functions (CNFs) can be loaded and deployed in a matter of minutes on the implementation of the Google  Distributed Cloud Edge (GDC Edge) running in its labs.

“Leveraging the automation functionalities of GDC Edge and Ericsson tools, the partners were able to successfully demonstrate the deployment in minutes of the cloud and 5G core application,” DT said of the cloud-native proof-of-concept.

The giant German operator noted that on average, infrastructure and network deployments can take several days or even weeks when running on legacy cloud infrastructure. “The results of this trial are a strong demonstration of the advantages in speed, scale, flexibility, and reliability that cloud-native networks can provide telecommunication companies,” DT said.

DT and Google Cloud first announced a partnership aimed at developing and trialling new cloud-native network deployment models in July 2022.

What does a cloud-native network deployment model look like? Dell’Oro Group noted in a December 2022 report that “the software for the network functions consists of container-based cloud-native network functions (CNFs), making the 5G Core deployable over bare metal, virtual machines, private cloud, and public cloud infrastructure.”

DT said that by working with its partners, it has “set out to develop an industry solution for a highly performant, scalable, and resilient cloud-native telco network, which adheres to EU security and privacy requirements.”

We expect to hear a lot about cloud-native telco networks at Mobile World Congress next week. Watch this space.

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