6G is the next mobile telephony technology which will succeed 5G. While it is currently in the research and development phase, the ITU wants to put in place a roadmap to facilitate its deployment.
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) announced on Thursday, November 30, that it had published the standards development framework for sixth generation mobile technology (6G/IMT-2030). The framework was approved by the ITU Radiocommunication Assembly in November at its meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The official publication of the framework paves the way for defining the technical requirements, submission process and evaluation criteria for potential 6G radio interface technologies. Proposals are expected in early 2027, with the aim of approving a final set of 6G technical standards by 2030.
“ By agreeing on a path forward for 6G, ITU Member States have taken an important step in ensuring that technical progress means affordability, security and resilience — supporting sustainable development and digital transformation everywhere ,” said Doreen Bogdan-Martin, ITU Secretary-General.
Use cases envisioned for 6G include immersive interactive video, intelligent industrial applications including telemedicine and energy and power grid management; improving ubiquitous connectivity, particularly in remote and sparsely populated areas; the expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications; support for AI-powered applications and integrated multi-dimensional sensing combined with high-precision positioning…
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