With all of its rival mobile network operators (MNOs) having finalised Access Agreements (AAs) with Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) for access to Malaysia’s 5G Single Wholesale Network (SWN) last month, Maxis was notably the sole cellco not to make such an announcement. Now, the MNO has confirmed it intends to seek the approval of its shareholders before putting pen to paper on any access deal, saying that the ‘the nature of the AA and the substantial undertaking involved’ make such a course of action ‘mandatory’.
In a statement made to the local stock exchange, Maxis confirmed it is aiming to complete the approvals process by January 2023, with a commercial launch of 5G services expected to follow ‘soon after’. As previously reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, DNB has finalised AAs with five MNOs: Telekom Malaysia, U Mobile, Celcom, Digi and YTL.
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