State-owned operator Nepal Telecom has postponed by two weeks its planned launch of a 5G trial in January, The Kathmandu Post reports, citing Nepal Telecom spokesperson Shobhan Adhikari. The operator claims its decision is due to the fact that there are not enough mobile phones in the country that support 5G in the 2600 MHz frequency band. 

“We found that only a small number of mobile sets operate 5G in 2600 MHz frequency in the local market”, Adhikari said. The company received permission to launch a 5G trial in the 2600 MHz frequency band from telecom regulator Nepal Telecommunications Authority. 

“We installed the required equipment to conduct a 5G trial according to the allocated frequency”, Adhikari added. “First, we will try to identify the number of mobile handsets and other devices supporting 5G in the frequency allocated and move ahead with the trial”, he said. This is expected to take 2-3 weeks, the operator said. 

The company plans to conduct its 5G trial in Sundhara and Babarmahal, in the Kathmandu area, and has already deployed the necessary equipment in these areas, Adhikari said. Nepal Telecom will conduct trials in one location each across seven provinces.

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