Qualcomm Technologies announced Snapdragon Satellite, a new service to provide satellite-based two-way capable messaging for premium smartphones. Snapdragon Satellite will be available starting with the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor.
Powered by Snapdragon 5G systems and supported by the fully operational Iridium satellite constellation, Snapdragon Satellite will enable OEMs and other service providers to offer truly global coverage. The platform for smartphones uses Iridium’s weather-resilient L-band spectrum for uplink and downlink.
Emergency messaging on Snapdragon Satellite is planned to be available on next-generation smartphones launched in selected regions starting in the second half of 2023. It follows the launch of similar services already by Apple and Huawei on their top phones.
Beyond smartphones, Snapdragon Satellite can expand to other devices, including laptops, tablets, vehicles and IoT. As the Snapdragon Satellite ecosystem grows, OEMs and app developers can differentiate and offer unique branded services taking advantage of satellite connectivity. Snapdragon Satellite is planned to support 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN), as NTN satellite infrastructure and constellations become available.
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