Chile’s Antitrust Tribunal (Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia, TDLC) has reversed its position on the use of existing fixed wireless 3.5GHz spectrum allocations for mobile services, TeleSemana reports. Previous requests from sector watchdog the Department of Telecommunications (Subsecretaria de Telecomunicaciones, Subtel) to alter the assignment were rejected by the TDLC on the basis that such changes could only be implemented through a public tender. The matter primarily concerns Claro Chile which hold rights to spectrum in the 3.5GHz band but is not permitted to use the airwaves for 5G services. Subtel argued that as the concession is valid until 2032 the resource is being underutilised, to the detriment of customers and the market. TDLC’s revised decision now clears the way for Subtel to alter Claro’s authorisation so that the spectrum can be used for 5G mobile services.

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