The Telecom Infra Project’s OpenRAN Project Group has published its Release 2 Roadmap Document after submitting a draft for input during the summer. The draft included a comprehensive list of technical requirements that the signatories of the Open RAN MoU Group considered priorities for Open RAN architecture. The signatories include Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefonica, TIM and Vodafone. 

The publication harmonizes the most important operator requirements, mapping them into a series of minor releases over time. The scheme sees Release 2.0 set for the first half of this year, with Release 2.1 scheduled for the second half and Release 2.2 for the first half of 2023.

TIP also published Release 2 roadmaps and Technical Requirements Documents 2.0 its different subgroups. These will form the basis for issuing ribbons and badges to vendor products, once they have progressed through TIP’s Test and Validation framework, with their subsequent listing on TIP Exchange.

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