Telia Denmark has announced its launch of 5G home fixed wireless access on 06 December. In an introductory officer, customers can receive the first six months of service at DKK 199 monthly, compared with the standard price of DKK 329. Initially, the service will be available in Greater Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Alborg and Esbjerg, where Telia’s 5G reception is comprehensive.
Currently, Telia can offer indoor coverage at a minimum speed of 100 Mbps via 5G or 4G+ to approximately 25 percent of the population. In 2023, Telia Denmark intends to bring out the 5G FWA internet service in the 25 largest Danish towns and cities.
The new home 5G FWA service can support a whole family’s needs to stream, play games and hold video meetings, for example. Telia is providing six months’ access to HBO Max with the service.
Telia claims that installation is simple, as it requires no digging, engineer visit or cables, but only the insertion of a SIM card in the router and a Wi-Fi log-on. The service is portable, and can be taken to the customer’s holiday cabin, for example. The router will automatically switch to 4G if there is no 5G reception there.
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