Montenegro’s telecoms watchdog the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP) has announced that three operators – Crnogorski Telekom, MTEL and One Montenegro – have qualified to participate in the auction to allocate spectrum in the 700MHz (694MHz-790MHz), 3.6GHz (3400MHz-3800MHz) and 26GHz (24.25GHz-27.5GHz) bands for public mobile networks, which will be staged between 19 and 23 December.

EKIP aims to award a total of 1,460MHz of spectrum in the three bands as follows: seven blocks of 2×5MHz spectrum with an opening price of EUR690,000 (USD727,191) and two lots of unpaired 5MHz frequencies in the 700MHz band (EUR70,000); 38 blocks of 10MHz spectrum in the 3.6GHz band (EUR95,000); and five lots of 200MHz spectrum in the 26GHz band (EUR100,000). All frequencies will be valid for 15 years from the date of approval.

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