Indian cellco Bharti Airtel has announced that it has crossed the one million unique 5G user mark within 30 days of the commercial launch of the network. Airtel launched the country’s first 5G service in early October, with coverage of eight cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Siliguri, Nagpur and Varanasi. Airtel customers with 5G-compatible devices in those locations are able to access the network with their existing data plans, although the operator indicated it might introduce 5G-specific tariffs once the network is more widespread.
Commenting on the accomplishment, Airtel CTO Randeep Sekhon was quoted as saying: ‘These are early days but the response from customers have been very encouraging. Our network is being built every day even as all 5G devices are now capable of working on the Airtel 5G Plus network, barring a few exceptions which should also be done in the coming weeks.’
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