Global Regulatory Consulting Expertise
Helping Governments, Telecommunications Regulators and Operators to Succeed in the Digital Economy
Benefit from our team of experts’ vast knowledge and experience in telecoms regulation and policy-setting around the world
Regulatory Policy is Key to Success in the Telecommunications Industry
Governments, operators and regulators need to keep pace with the rapid changes in technology.
Cenerva is a leading global regulatory consultancy. We help clients across the landscape of professionals at government agencies, telecommunications operators and digital service providers around the world achieve regulatory success in an evolving market.
Our expertise and global consulting experience mean we can help your organisation navigate this rapidly transforming world.
Read on to learn more about our services or contact us for an initial discussion about how we can help.
Governments & Regulators
Telecoms regulation is about more than protecting consumers; it’s also about creating the right market conditions to encourage investments which facilitate digital engagement.
Regulators must deliver these objectives against a backdrop of increasing demands for transparency, greater scrutiny of public sector spend, and an uncertain political climate.
Developing policy in this environment requires careful stakeholder management and overcoming significant operating challenges.
At Cenerva, our partners and associates have senior-level experience of working in telecoms regulation. This means we understand the practical constraints of policy-making.
Our work ranges from helping governments establish new National Regulatory Authorities and prepare for market liberalisation, through developing plans for regulatory reform, to the detailed design and implementation in areas such as interconnection, switching, and tariffs.
Examples include:
- Supporting new regulators: developed framework to underpin creation of new telecoms regulatory authority in South Asia.
- Market intelligence: delivered detailed European telecommunications market report including key economic and sector metrics and trends.
- Digital switchover: advised on regulatory framework to implement digital switchover in West Africa.
- Procurement: managed public procurement programme to appoint consultants to establish a new national ICT regulatory authority in the Middle East.
- Mobile money: advised on regulatory framework to underpin the roll-out of mobile money in Southern Africa.

Telecommunications Operators
Rising global demand for communications and data-rich services is increasing the pressures on the networks that deliver them.
Consumers now expect their telecoms to be ubiquitous, always-on, and instantly-available. At the same time, the sector is undergoing rapid change. Market liberalisation is now largely complete in many countries, with competition helping to deliver innovation and lower prices.
Operators are struggling with lower margins as their products become commoditised, and this threatens investment. Industry is responding with vertical integration and consolidation, and the development of new business models.
Whether defending market share, or seeking to develop products or services, Cenerva helps telcos make sense of this rapidly changing world.
We work with network operators, service providers and software vendors to design and implement strategies which maximise the opportunities arising from change. We do this by assessing new technologies, analysing consumer preferences, and anticipating the impact of regulation. We help put in place profitable commercial arrangements.
Examples of our work include:
- Interconnect: developed a mobile Reference Interconnect Offer and wholesale framework for a European operator.
- 4G: advised and supported development of 4G licence bid and infrastructure sharing agreement in the Caribbean.
- Dispute resolution: provided regulatory, technical and fiscal analysis to resolve a wholesale pricing dispute between two European operators.
- Compliance: conducted regulatory compliance audit in West Africa.
- Licence applications: led successful application for a European fixed voice and data service provision licence.
Emerging Markets
As the international telecoms environment grows more complex, it gets harder to exploit the growing range of technological opportunities.
Regulators and operators in emerging markets sometimes lack the capacity or experience to engage fully with the latest-generation networks and services which are critical for promoting economic and social benefit. This can also present opportunities. By leapfrogging legacy deployments, emerging markets can bypass the transitional complexities faced by countries with more mature infrastructure.
Cenerva has extensive experience of global regulatory best practice. We draw on our expertise to help regulators in emerging markets develop frameworks and policies to make technology work in their local environment, and to help operators engage with regulation to defend and grow market share.
We have delivered consultancy work throughout Africa, Asia, Oceania, Central America and the Caribbean.
Examples include:
- Developing policies for universal broadband provision
- Designing network interconnection frameworks
- Conducting spectrum auctions.
In addition to our project work, we provide on-demand access to our experts by phone, email or video link, through the Cenerva Helpdesk Service, to help answer technical queries and extend the regulatory depth and breadth of clients with limited resources.

Our Experience
Get in touch
Contact us about your telecommunications or technology regulation challenges, projects or requirements.
A Cenerva expert will contact you to discuss how we can help you and we aim to get back to you by the next working day.