LIVE FROM MWC LAS VEGAS 2023: GSMA director general Mats Granryd issued a call to arms for attendees to help build the next generation of technologies expected to stand on the shoulders of mobile connectivity.

During his keynote address at MWC Las Vegas, he noted AI, Web 3.0, and quantum computing have the potential to transform the world, based on a core of mobile connectivity.

Granryd said “we find ourselves in the largest technological revolution in human history, that is four-times bigger than the industrial revolution”.

He highlighted 2022 was pivotal for the growth of 5G services, with more than 230 operators in more than 90 markets launching commercial services.

“As 5G matures into the next stage of digital transformation, we need to create scalable, interoperable and commercially viable solutions that will benefit carriers, industries and consumers everywhere.”

However, despite rapid growth in deployment of 5G, he noted a need for additional investments to build networks and services to reach the goal of a digitally connected world.

There is also a growing need for more spectrum in the US and elsewhere, he added.

Granryd also provided an update on GSMA Open Gateway, an initiative announced at MWC23 Barcelona.

To-date, 35 operators representing more than 60 per cent of global mobile connections have joined the initiative, with proof-of-concept trials increasing from eight in February to 23 currently.

“Last week we saw the first commercial launch of network APIs,” he said, while highlighting the first Open Gateway DevCon taking place this week.

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