The Authority of Regulation for Electronic Communications and Posts (Autorite de Regulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes, Arcep) has concluded its procedure for the award of 5G spectrum in the French overseas territories of Reunion and Mayotte. The process was kickstarted on 3 August 2021 and the deadline for applications was 12 October. The ā€˜positioningā€™ auctions ā€“ in the 700MHz bands in Reunion and Mayotte and in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band in Reunion ā€“ took place on 15 February 2022, while a draw to determine the blocks was held on 15 March 2022.

In Reunion the watchdog has received bids from Orange, Societe Reunionnaise du Radiotelephone (SFR Reunion), Telco OI (Free Reunion) and Zeop Mobile. The final allocations are as follows:

  • Orange: 2Ɨ10MHz in 700MHz band, 708MHz-718MHz/763MHz-773MHz (EUR5.033 million, USD5.55 million) and 1Ɨ100MHz in 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band, 3600MHz-3700MHz (EUR10,000)
  • SFR: 2Ɨ5MHz in 700MHz, 728MHz-733MHz/783MHz-788MHz (EUR52,687) and 1Ɨ100MHz in 3.5GHz, 3500MHz-3600MHz (EUR0)
  • Telco OI: 2Ɨ10MHz in 700MHz, 718MHz-728MHz/773MHz-783MHz (EUR5.033 million) and 1Ɨ100MHz in 3.7GHz, 3700MHz-3800MHz (EUR0)
  • Zeop Mobile: 2Ɨ5MHz in 700MHz, 703MHz-708MHz/758MHz-763MHz (EUR0) and 1Ɨ80MHz in 3.5GHz, 3420MHz-3500MHz (EUR0)
  • In Mayotte, meanwhile, Orange, SFR Mayotte, Telco OI Mayotte and Maore Mobile all qualified for the 700MHz allocation procedure, while Maore Mobile and Telco OI also secured spectrum in the 900MHz band. The final allocations are as follows:
  • Maore Mobile: 2Ɨ5MHz in 700MHz, 703MHz-708MHz (EUR0) and 2Ɨ1.6MHz in 900MHz (EUR0)
  • Orange: 2Ɨ10MHz in 700MHz, 708MHz-718MHz/763MHz-773MHz (EUR1.050 million)
  • SFR: 2Ɨ5MHz in 700MHz, 728MHz-733MHz/783MHz-788MHz (EUR31,397)
  • Telco OI: 2Ɨ10MHz in 700MHz, 718MHz-728MHz/773MHz-783MHz (EUR1.050 million) and 2Ɨ1MHz in 900MHz (EUR0)

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