The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) has revealed that it will hold an auction for spectrum in the 2100MHz band for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) technologies such as 5G-non-terrestrial networks (5G-NTN), mobile satellite services (MSS), internet on airplane (A2G), and internet of things via satellite (MSS-IoT) on 23 August 2022. The Information Memorandum and the Auction Rules will be released beforehand on 26 June 2022, the CITC said.

The authority is aiming to award 2×30MHz of paired spectrum at 1980MHz-2010MHz/2170MHz-2200MHz, divided into two blocks of 2×15MHz each. Block A2 (1995MHz-2010MHz/2185MHz-2200MHz) will be initially limited to MSS services, with the successful bidder given the option to apply for an upgrade of the licence for terrestrial technologies.

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