INTERVIEW: The head of BT Consumer suggested marketing could be the next challenge operators face in terms of standalone (SA) 5G as deployments of the technology begin to pick up pace.

During MWC Barcelona 2022, Marc Allera told Mobile World Live the operator has no plans to sell SA 5G on the technical benefits of higher data rates, lower-latency and broader coverage compared with 4G.

Instead, ā€œweā€™ll find a way to talk about the benefitsā€ in a way which resonates with consumers and brings ā€œtechnology to them in a really human wayā€.

Allera noted EE had taken time to ā€œget the technology rightā€ before presenting it to consumers and ensure the company doesnā€™t ā€œoversellā€ the capabilities.

The metaverse is one such capability, Allera explained. He defined this as ā€œa blending of the physical and digital worldsā€ which the operator could employ to boost the services it delivers in entertainment, sports broadcasting, gaming and e-commerce.

He cited a recent collaboration between BT and the BBC to deliver an immersive reality experience based on famed environmentalist David Attenboroughā€™s The Green Planet TV series ā€œright at the heart of central Londonā€, by employing SA 5G.

Some familiar challenges remain in delivering on the promise of the metaverse, including ā€œthe need to investā€ in infrastructure and keeping ā€œour cost base as efficient and as low as it can beā€, Allera noted.

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