Romania’s National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has adopted its work plan for 2022, which includes the long-awaited auction of 5G frequencies in the 700MHz, 1500MHz and 3400MHz-3800MHz bands during Q3. The tender, which is expected to raise around EUR600 million (USD672 million), follows the allocation in November last year of short-term user rights for 5G-suitable frequencies in the 800MHz, 2600MHz and 3.5GHz bands.

The regulator’s other main priorities for this year include the transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code, the establishment of minimum security measures to be taken by communication network and service providers, and the continued implementation of Infrastructure Law No. 159/2016.

Presenting the plan, ANCOM president Vlad Stefan Stoica said: ‘Creating a legal framework adapted to current needs, which would support the development of the telecom sector and the protection of users, is the main objective of ANCOM for this year. The transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code into national law as soon as possible will allow us to review and update the national regulations in force, so that we all benefit from the advantages and opportunities offered by a single European framework, in line with the rapid evolution in this field.’

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