Latvian telecoms watchdog the Public Utilities Commission (Sabiedrisko Pakalpojumu Regulesanas Komisija, SPRK) has confirmed the results of the auction for the rights for technology neutral spectrum in the 700MHz band which was completed in December 2021 and raised a total of EUR13.27 million (USD15.03 million) for state coffers. The sale comprised the allocation of three 2×10MHz lots (20-year duration) and two 1×10MHz lots (17-year duration). The paired blocks were acquired by Latvia’s three mobile network operators (MNOs), with Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT) submitting the highest bid of EUR3.52 million for the 713MHz-723MHz/768MHz-778MHz block whilst the 723MHz-733MHz/778MHz-788MHz block was awarded to Bite Latvia for EUR2.86 million and Tele2 paid EUR2.42 million for the 703MHz-713MHz/758MHz-768MHz frequencies. The unpaired spectrum lots, meanwhile, were purchased by Tele2 and LMT following 179 rounds of bidding that saw the price rise from EUR150,000 per lot to EUR2.24 million. Tele2 was awarded the 738MHz-748MHz frequencies, whilst the 748MHz-758MHz block was won by LMT.
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