London, 8 August 2018: Following excellent feedback for its Telecoms Regulatory Master Classes (TRMCs), international telecoms consultancy Cenerva Ltd has revealed its plans to expand and grow its education programme for both operators and regulators.

This expansion for Cenerva, which has clients in more than 50 countries, follows the acquisition of the Interconnect Communications (ICC) Training/TRMC (Telecoms Regulatory Master Class) assets from InterConnect Communications Ltd.

“We have had excellent feedback from our initial TRMCs run in Bath,” said H Sama Nwana, Managing Partner at Cenerva Ltd, “There was significant demand in particular for our ‘Regulatory TRMC’ course, which proved so popular it meant that we were able to run two separate, fully-subscribed sessions.

“We are confident that our next TRMCS, on regulation, advanced regulation and spectrum will provide unique insight into the challenges that both operators and regulators will face in the next few years. Our TRMCs are unique as they mean both sides of the industry are able to network as well as hearing neutral and valuable guidance on what we envision being the main challenges in the developing landscape for regulation.”

Cenerva helps provide world-class regulatory training for telecoms professionals in emerging markets. To underline this, a ‘Universal Service Fund Management and Administration for the Universal Service Advisory Council of the Communications Authority of Kenya’ class was also held recently in London.

Since its launch in 2000, TRMC has developed into a suite of 11 courses, which have been attended by more than 2000 students from operators and regulatory bodies from more than 60 countries. Cenerva is updating, modernising and improving the existing material to ensure its TRMCs match the demand from the industry for up to date, engaging guidance.

TRMC hosts include a wide-range of experienced individuals including among others:

  • Prof H Sama Nwana, Managing Partner at Cenerva Ltd and former President at the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance
  • David Darwin of Darwin Telecommunications Regulatory Consulting Ltd
  • Davood Molkdar, Director, Casitel Consulting

Traditionally, courses have largely been held in the UK. However, under Cenerva they will also be run globally. For example, a recent ‘Competition and Convergence’ course took place in Trinidad to delegates from TSTT and to the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago.

H Sama Nwana added: “One of the key aspects of our courses that will appeal to operators and regulators alike is that we remain objective when it comes to regulation. These TRMCs, under our stewardship offer a chance for a neutral and unbiased look at the issues affecting the whole industry.”

The TRMC program continues this year, including three courses taking place in Bath, UK:

• Regulatory Master Class (November 5 – 9)
• Master Class in Advanced Regulation (November 12 -16)
• Spectrum Master Class (November 12 – 16)

For further information click here.

Cenerva are currently developing a 2019 programme, which will cover topics as diverse as the Internet of Things (IoT) and interconnection.

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About Cenerva

Cenerva is a specialist telecommunications consultancy. Cenerva helps clients address the challenges of the digital economy. It does this by providing consultancy, training and helpdesk in five main areas; governments and regulators, telecommunications operators, emerging markets, strategic support, and spectrum, switching and number portability.

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