ZTE said it has trialled a “free-roam” immersive VR gaming setup powered by a 5G-Advanced private network, in partnership with Xiaomi and China Mobile among others. The VR setup was open to the public at the ChinaJoy gaming event from 26 to 29 July, and utilised a test redux of Xiaomi’s 14 Pro handset. The 14 Pro was equipped with mmWave capabilities via Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X75 chipset, which incorporates a 5G Advanced-capable modem-RF module.

The handset was used as a terminal device to connect with ZTE’s 5G-A Minimalist Private Network deployed by China Mobile. The minimalist network is designed to streamline deployment by using the BBU (baseband unit) as the sole component, with the baseband in turn acting as a proxy for the core network, ZTE said. In addition, the BBU contains an embedded circuit board to enhance VR service reliability, and also uses intelligent beamforming to enable VR user tracking. The network is said to achieve air interface latency of below 10 ms on average, enabling more than 100 VR users to connect simultaneously.

The project was implemented in partnership with a Chinese digital culture studio called Dang Hong Qi Tian, which is working with ZTE, Xiaomi, China Mobile and Qualcomm to promote 5G-driven XR applications.

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