Cenerva Appoints Julian Wilkins as Ambassador for the Caribbean

Telecommunications expert Julian Wilkins joins Cenerva to build relationships in the Caribbean  Cenerva, a global specialist in training-driven ICT regulatory policy consultancy, has announced the appointment of Julian Wilkins as its Ambassador for the Caribbean. In his new role, Mr Wilkins will be responsible for building relationships with governments, regulators and regional operators to [...]

By |2023-03-01T06:52:46+00:00March 1st, 2023|News, Telecoms Regulation|0 Comments

Turks and Caicos Islands Regulator Successfully Finalises Emergency Preparedness Agreement

The Turks and Caicos Islands Telecommunications Commission (TCTC) has concluded an Emergency Preparedness Agreement between the Islands' network operators, Digicel and Flow, with support from Cenerva The Turks and Caicos Islands Telecommunications Commission (TCTC) has successfully completed its Emergency Preparedness Agreement (EPA) between the Islands' network operators, Digicel and Flow. The EPA marks the [...]

By |2022-12-07T08:13:50+00:00December 7th, 2022|News, Telecoms Regulation|0 Comments

Turks and Caicos Islands Regulator Successfully Launches Its TEPRP Supported by Cenerva

Press Release The Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy aims to ensure the Islands have resilient networks that enable the availability and operability of telecoms services in disaster scenarios. The 2017 hurricane season is unlikely to be forgotten for those living in the Caribbean, featuring 17 named storms, ten hurricanes, and six major hurricanes. [...]

By |2022-03-31T10:46:43+01:00March 30th, 2022|News, Telecoms Regulation|0 Comments

Cenerva to the Rescue: Mobile Number Portability Flopped Big Time in Bangladesh

Sad to read of the media furore publicly criticising the Bangladesh mobile number portability service and the BTRC. The issues that have been reported suggest that the original implementation programme run by the operators was very poorly executed. It is a great shame the public credibility of the Bangladesh mobile number portability service and the BTRC are being damaged by the public infighting between the different stakeholders being fuelled by the media.

By |2021-11-08T20:53:02+00:00March 11th, 2021|News, Number Portability|0 Comments

Imagine the COVID19 pandemic hit in 2005, not 2020

What a different developed broadband/internet world we now inhabit in 2020 compared to fifteen years earlier. If the COVID19 pandemic had hit in January/February 2005 (instead of 2020), most of the developed world would have been in broadband/internet darkness: 90% of the UK, 93% of Germany, etc.

By |2021-11-08T21:05:54+00:00May 7th, 2020|News|0 Comments
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